Set up

  1. In this example, I am going to use a Stripe account as the source of my customer data.
  2. To do this you use an API key from your Stripe account.
    1. Your Stripe API key dashboard can be found at

    2. First, create a new restricted API key in the section here:

      Screen Shot 2023-07-27 at 16.08.07.png

    3. This API key needs to be set up with the following API permissions:

      • Customers: Read
      • Products: Read
      • Prices: Read
      • Subscriptions: Read
      • Webhook Endpoints: Write


  1. Paste this newly created API key into Bind and click ‘Next’.
  2. From the dropdown, select the product in your Stripe account that you would like to Bind to this role (you can select multiple products here). Click ‘Next’.

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  1. Check the data and role is correct, and click Create Role.
  2. The role is now visible on your dashboard, where you can see the total members who have that role and changes to this over the last week.

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