Here you can find a quick guide on how to connect you Bind and Zoho workspaces and set up your first role using a Zoho view.

  1. First, on your Bind Workspace, go create a “New Segment” and select the “Members in Segment” option.
  2. Select or create the role associated with that segment.
  3. Then on the data source page, select “Zoho CRM”.

Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 13.16.11.png

  1. A Zoho permissions window will come up for you to confirm you want Bind to access Bind to access your Zoho account. Press “Accept”.

Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 12.33.13.png

  1. Select the Zoho View you would like to base your segment upon.

Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 12.33.54.png

That’s it! confirm the role and it will be live on your server.