<aside> 🗣️ From the team at Bind.ie


Bind unlocks Discord for Substack writers

The community tools offered by Substack leave room for improvement. Substack writers are therefore turning their attention to specialised community-building platforms like Discord. Discord offers a unique advantage with its capability to categorise community members through customisable roles.

Here at Bind, we enable companies to identify their customers within Discord and allocate roles based on their product status (free vs. paid). This is accomplished through direct integrations with services such as Stripe, Shopify or a database.

Substack payments are collected through Stripe, which unlocks Binds features for your paid subscribers. For non-paid subscribers, Substack does not have API access. But don’t worry, you can still connect your subscribers to Discord using our CSV tool. Therefore, I will break this down into two sections:

  1. Connect paid subscribers to Discord via Stripe
  2. Connect all subscribers to Discord via CSV

1. Connect paid subscribers to Discord via Stripe

Connect your Stripe account to Bind.

2. Connect all subscribers to Discord via CSV

First, let's download your data from Substack, here’s how:

  1. In Substack, go to your Writer Dashboard, which you will find in the dropdown when you click your profile icon in the top right-hand corner.
  2. In your dashboard, go to the settings page.
  3. In the left sidebar of the settings page, go to ‘Exports’.